
Chiara Carbone

Postdoc Researcher

University of Padua- Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA)


Chiara Carbone has a PhD in Theoretical and Applied Social Research and is a research fellow at the FISSPA Department of the University of Padua in the PRIN 2022 project Gendering Internet. Violence, Resilience and Empowerment in digital spaces – GIVRE.

Her main research interests include gender-based violence, intersectional practices in social research, and the study of feminisms.

Previously, she had a research grant at the University of Florence on the project Migrant remittances and transnational ties: care, social change and development across the border – MIGREM, and has carried out several research assignments as part of the project V.I.V.A – Analysis and Evaluation of interventions to prevent and combat violence against women of the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council (IRPPS-CNR).

Since 2007, she has been an activist and volunteer at a feminist anti-violence center in Rome.

Recent Publications

(2024) Carbone, C., Cannito, M., Pusateri, F., Al centro della rete: centri antiviolenza, sportelli e case rifugio, in Cannito, M., Torrioni, P. M., “RETI IN AZIONE Strumenti teorici e pratici nel campo dell’antiviolenza”, il Mulino, Milano ISBN 978-88-15-38233-7

(2023) Carbone, C., et al., Living Interfaith Dialogue during the Lockdown: The Role of Women in the Italian Case,in “Religions”, 14 (2) https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14020252

(2022) Carbone, C., Praticare l’intersezionalità nei centri antiviolenza: l’accoglienza delle donne migranti, richiedenti asilo e rifugiate, in “Culture e Studi del Sociale”, 7(2), 180-192

(2022) Carbone, C., e De Pascale, L., Violenza sulle donne e intersezionalità: la capacità di risposta degli interventi a supporto dell’empowerment socio-economico, in “Contrastare la violenza sulle donne attori, processi e pratiche di un campo in evoluzione, la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali / Italian Journal of Social Policy”, 2021(3-4), pp 87-103.

(2021) Carbone, C., et al., L’esperienza del Punto Informativo Antiviolenza – MI.MAIN- Migration Mainstreaming: un’analisi della violenza sulle donne migranti, richiedenti asilo e rifugiate in Roma Capitale, in Gammaitoni, M., “Roma in mutamento? Intercultura e inclusione per servizi pubblici innovativi”, Edizioni Cleup, Padova.

(2021) Carbone, C., Voci indigene e saperi sovversivi. Le donne Maori innovano le conoscenze, Edizioni Mimesis, Collana Sociologie, ISBN 978-88-5753-569-2

(2021) Carbone, C.,, All. 4, Il punto di vista dell’associazionismo femminile, reportistica WP5 del progetto ViVA, visionabile al sito https://viva.cnr.it/wp5/

(2020) Carbone, C., and Villani, M., Contradictions and Critical Limitations of the Gender Category in the Use of OECD-PISA Datasets, in Colombo, M., and Salmieri, L., The Education of Gender. The Gender of Education, in “Sociological Research in Italy”, Rome, Associazione “Per Scuola Democratica”.