
Marco Rangone


University of Padua- Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA)


Marco Rangone teaches Economics of Markets and Population at the master’s degree program in Sociology and Institutions of Political Economy at the three-year degree program in Political Science, at the University of Padua.

His main research activity concerns the analysis of changes in the labor market and the problems of knowledge and learning, with particular attention to the evolution of local economic systems.

He is also interested in the theoretical deepening of the institutionalist approach to economic problems.

PhD (1994) in Political Economy at the University of Ancona and Master of science (1989) in Science, Technology and Industrialization at Brighton, University of Sussex, at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), was a researcher at the F. Cicogna Center for Entrepreneurship Studies, Bocconi University, Milan (1992-94) and a researcher at the Center for Research on Technology in Developing Countries “Ispa north/south”, Milan (1989-90).

Recent Publications:

(2012) Rangone, M. and Solari, S., From the Southern-European model to nowhere: the evolution of Italian capitalism 1976–2011, in “Journal of European Public Policy”, pp. 80-98

(2012) Rangone, M. and Solari, S., Southern European” capitalism and the social costs of business enteprise, in “Studi e note di economia”, 1 (16), pp. 3-28.

(2011) Rangone, M., Tecnologie e incidenti sul lavoro in Tv: il caso Thyssen-Krupp, in Magaudda, P., and Neresini, F., (a cura di), La scienza sullo schermo. La rappresentazione della tecnoscienza nella televisione italiana, il Mulino.

(2009) Rangone, M. and Solari, S., The dynamics of inter-firm relationships: an empirically oriented view of collective learning in local production systems, in Marangoni, G.D. e Solari, S., (a cura di), Aggregazione industriale e internazionalizzazione della produzione, in “CEDAM”, pp. 155-172.

(2008) Rangone, M., Abstract vs. Practical Knowledge and Economic Policy. An Institutional Perspective, in Bini, P., and Tusset, G., (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Economic Policy, Tradition and Change, Franco Angeli, pp. 131-153.

(2007) Rangone, M. and Solari, S., Institutional Economics and the Substantive approach, in Asso, P.F., and Fiorito, L., Economics and Institutions. Contributions from the History of Economics, Franco Angeli, pp. 317-340.

(2006) Rangone, M. and Ramazzotti, R., Unemployment as a social cost, in Elsner, W., Frigato, P. and Ramazzotti, P., (Eds.), Social Costs and Public Action in Modern Capitalism: Essays inspired by Karl William Kapp’s Theory of Social Costs, Routledge, pp. 100-140.