
Giorgio Osti

Associate Professor

University of Padua- Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA)



Orcid 0000-0002-6014-3113,



Giorgio Osti is Associate Professor at the University of Padua. In 1983 he graduated in Sociology from the University of Trento where he earned a PhD in Sociology and Social Research. First a researcher and then Associate Professor of Sociology of Environment and Territory at the University of Trieste from 1993-2020 and with the same title since 2020 at the University of Padua.

His areas of research include development processes in fragile areas, the figure of the agricultural innovator; consensus for natural parks, the origin of the environmental crisis, environmental associationism and participation in waste management, as well as energy communities, rivers and reservoirs.

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He qualified as a Distinguished Professor I in 2013 and 2019.

He was also a member of the Italian FP6-CITIZENS-2 Research group, “A Cognitive Approach to Rural Sustainable Development: the dynamics of expert and lay knowledges” (CORASON, 2004-2006).

He was a coordinator and member of research units of research projects of relevant national interest (PRIN), 2001-2018.

He was on the editorial advisors board of the journal “Sociologia Ruralis” 2000-04 and the board of ESA Research Network 12 ‘Environment and Society’, 2003-2107, of the scientific council section “Territory” of AIS, 2010-2013.

He is part of the Doctoral Teaching Board in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Bologna 2017-2021.

He has also been a member of the Environment and Society Network since 1996, the ESA’s RN 12 Energy and Society Working Group since 2012, and the ‘Fragile Areas’ Community of Practice since 2006.

Recent Publications

(2020) Osti, G. and Carrosio, G., Nested markets in marginal areas: Weak prosumers and strong food chains, in “Journal of Rural Studies”, 76, pp. 305-313

(2020) Magnani, N., Carrosio G. and Osti. G., Energy retrofitting of urban buildings: A socio-spatial analysis of three mid-sized Italian cities, in “Energy Policy”, 139, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111341

(2019) Osti, G., Above, Beside, Under: Three Ways Social Technical Disciplines Can Work Together in the Energy Transition, in “Tecnoscienza. Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies”, 10 (2), pp. 127-139

(2019) Osti, G., Ludic Scopes for Environmental Crisis and Education, in “Nature + Culture”, 14, pp. 107-118

(2018) Osti, G., The uncertain games of energy transition in the island of Sardinia (Italy), in “Journal of Cleaner Production”, 205, pp. 681-689

(2017) Osti, G., Migrants to rural areas as a social movement: insights from Italy, in “Bio-based and Applied Economics”, 6 (3), pp. 243-257

(2017) Osti, G., The anti-flood detention basin projects in northern Italy. New wine in old bottles? in “Water Alternatives”, 10 (2), pp. 265-282

(2016) Osti, G., Storage and Scarcity. New Practices for Food, Energy and Water, London and New York, Routledge.

(2016) Magnani, N. and Osti, G., Does civil society matter? Challenges and strategies of grassroots initiatives in Italy’s energy transition, in “Energy Research & Social Science”, 13, 148-157

(2015) Osti, G., Socio-spatial relations: an attempt to move space near society, in “Poliarchie/Polyarchies”, 4, pp. 1-24