Francesco Miele is a Tenure Track Researcher (RTD-B) at the University of Trieste and is part of the PaSTIS research unit.
His main research interests regard the relationship between technology, care practices and organization. Over the last years he tackled research topics such as the algoritmization of care, the remote monitoring in people with chronic conditions, the invisible work of caregivers of elderly with multiple chronic conditions and the implementation of person-centered care models in long-term facilities.
He is currently involved in thePRIN-PNRR ANTICIPATE project as principal investigator aimed at exploring the integration of Artificial Intelligence systems in dementia care in home and residential settings.
He has benn involved in the Horizon2020 AICCELERATE project aimed at developing and testing digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence systems to support patients with Parkinson’s disease.
(2023) Rossi, P., Miele, F. and Piras, E. M., The co-production of a workplace health promotion program: expected benefits, contested boundaries, in “Social Theory and Health”, 21, pp. 368-387. DOI: 10.1057/s41285-022-00186-4.
(2023) Miele, F., On care infrastructures and health practices: how people in health promotion programmes try to change their everyday life, Health, 27(6), pp. 980-997. DOI:
(2022) Miele, F., On the persistence of coercive practices in dementia. When plans, spaces and discourses matter, in “Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia”, 63 (4), pp. 853-877
(2022) Miele F., Neresini, F., Boniolo, G. and Paccagnella, O., Supporting cares for older people with dementia: socio-organisational implications, in “Ageing & Society”, 42 (2), pp. 376-408. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X20000938.
(2021) Miele F., Anziani, salute e società. Politiche di welfare, discorso pubblico e cura quotidiana, Il Mulino.
(2020) Miele F. and Tirabeni, L., Digital technologies and power dynamics in the organization: a conceptual review of remote working and wearable technologies at work, in “Sociology Compass”, 14 (6), e12795. DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12795.
(2019) Piras E.M. and Miele, F., On digital intimacy. Redefinition of provider-patient relationship in remote monitoring, in “Sociology of Health & Illness” 41, pp. 116-131. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12947.
(2019) Bruni, A., Miele, F. and Piras, E. M., Homemade: the invisible work of patients and their relatives in building, mending, and coordinating a care network, in “Social Science and Medicine”, 237, p. 112449. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112449.
(2019) Gherardi, S., Murgia, A., Bellè, E., Miele, F. and Carreri, A., Tracking the sociomaterial traces of affect at the crossroads of affect and practice theories, in “Qualitative research in organizations and management”, 14 (3), pp. 295-316. DOI: 10.1108/ QROM-04- 2018-1624.
(2017) Piras, E. M. and Miele, F., “Clinical self-tracking and monitoring technologies: negotiations in the ICT-mediated patient–provider relationship”, Health Sociology Review, 26,(1), pp. 38-53. DOI: 10.1080/14461242.2016.1212316.