
Alberto Cammozzo



Alberto Cammozzo is an IT consultant, programmer, systems engineer, project manager, and independent researcher.

In 2010 he founded tagmeNot.info, for the preventive protection of visual privacy and against the abuse of facial recognition and biometrics.

Recent Publications

(2021) Cammozzo, A., Topologies of the ICT-built space: an ecological taxonomy of space for social machines. in “Journal of Ethics and Legal Technologies”, 3 (2), pp. 35–53. DO:10.14658/pupj-jelt-2021-2-3, [PDF]

(2020) Cammozzo, A., Di Buccio, E. and Neresini, F., Monitoring Technoscientific Issues in the News, in “Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases”, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 536-553.

(2020) Neresini, F., Giardullo, P., Di Buccio, E. and Cammozzo A., Exploring socio-technical future scenarios in the media: the energy transition case in Italian daily newspapers, in “Quality & Quantity”, 54, pp. 147-168.

(2017) Cammozzo, A. and Gambarotto; F., Il mito tecnologico a servizio dello sviluppo urbano: quale ruolo per lo Stato? in “AAVV, Stato sociale, politica economica e democrazia. Riflessioni sullo spazio e il ruolo dell’intervento pubblico oggi”, Asterios Editore, pp. 247-284

(2017) Cammozzo A., Lasciare il segno: l’oblio del mondo. http://cammozzo.com/Papers/Cammozzo-OblioDelMondo-Janus.pdf